图灵班 | 翁伊嘉毕业感言:人人都有过我处,我与人人都不同
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:47 点击次数:55
Dear professors and my fellow Turing Class graduates,
I feel deeply honored and humbled to have the opportunity to speak on this special occasion, at this very place where we share so many fond memories. Thank you, professors, for giving us a privileged learning environment, and congratulations to you all, my fellow graduates, for having made it through this amazing journey together!
I would like to open my speech with a quote by Professor Jianjun Bai from the PKU Law School: Everyone surpasses me in something, yet something differentiates me from everyone. The original Chinese version reads: 人人都有过我之处,我与人人都不同. Though I only came across this quote recently, it strongly resonates with me. My everyday experience in the Turing Class in the past three years seems to attest to this observation.
In a class full of talented souls, the first part of the observation is obvious. I recall the informative and inspiring presentations you gave, the sharp and insightful questions you asked, and the innovative and exciting research you accomplished. Feeling constantly awed and sometimes overwhelmed, I came to appreciate, learn from, and be inspired by each and every one of you. From those heated discussions we had in this very building, to close collaborations in research projects, a lot of the endeavors and achievements from this group were the result of our collective effort, or I should say, wisdom.
身处这个充满才华的集体,我立刻就得出了这一观察的前半部分。大家做的深入浅出、充满信息量与启发性的 pre,提出的锐利而富有洞见的问题,开展的新颖且令人振奋的研究,让我印象深刻。在持续的惊叹甚至不知所措之中,我开始欣赏每一位同学,向你们学习,并常在其中受到大家的启发。从静园五院曾经发生的那些激烈的讨论,到各个研究项目上的紧密合作,这个班级的许多成就都要归功于我们的集体努力——或许更该说是集体智慧。
Ms Maya Angelou once said, my mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. My fellow classmates, I have been inspired by your warm passion and compassion, and have appreciated your distinct humor and styles. Thank you for being my inexhaustible source of inspiration!
Maya Angelou 曾经说过,我的人生使命不仅是生存,而是要茁壮成长;我要怀着一份执着、一席同理心、一些幽默感和一丝优雅去生活。同学们,我时常从你们的热情与同理心中得到启发,总是从你们独具特色的幽默与风采中得到快乐,谢谢你们慷为我取之不竭的灵感源泉!
As the second graduating class of the Turing Class program, I am also deeply grateful for the legacy established by our seniors, and feel proud to carry it forward. The course notes they wrote from scratch have absolutely saved us in our struggling sophomore year. With their expertise and experience, they have always been there to advise us on coursework, research, or life in general; to provide us encouragement and offer us comfort during our ups and downs.
The excellency of these many individuals around me, while appreciative, can be intimidating. Instead of "everyone surpasses me in something", I was constantly forging my own observation: someone surpasses me in everything! This brought me stress and even self-doubt, until I re-focused on myself, although at a somewhat later stage, realizing that “something differentiates me from everyone.”
出色的同学与学长学姐们令人钦佩的同时,也难免让人望而生畏。我常常觉得,情况并不仅仅是 “人人都有过我之处”,而是“有人处处都超过我”。这让我颇有压力,有时甚至陷入自我怀疑之中。直到相当一段时间之后,这种状态才随着我意识到“我与人人都不同”,重新专注于自身而有了改变。
In my understanding, it's about taking one's own path towards his/her own pursuit, where even a detour shapes his/her life, to the betterment of oneself in the long run – where no artificial metric makes sense for directing a so-called shortest path. As Professor Hopcroft, or John as we usually call him, always encourages us, what matters the most is that we find things we really enjoy and devote ourselves to them.
在我的理解中,“我与人人都不同”意味着走自己的路,朝着自己的追求前进。在其过程中,绕的每一个“弯路”都是成长的一部分,并在长远意义下使我们成为独特的、更好的自己。任何人造的评判标准都无法为我们指出一条所谓的“最短路”。就像 John 常常鼓励我们的那样,最重要的是找到我们的热爱,并投身其中。
I very much appreciate our program's early exposure of us to research which lets us discover our interest. Through research rotations and various research related courses and activities, we are given much opportunity to learn and the flexibility to choose a research field and a mentor. I changed labs multiple times and switched my research direction even after I settled in one. My path might seem suboptimal, but the unique experience and lessons learned should have better prepared me for the future. I sense that this may be true for many of my fellow classmates, everyone has made his/her own version of efforts, explorations, decision-makings, and compromises, which differentiated him/her from everyone else. Looking back at how far we've come in the past three years, we have every reason to be proud of ourselves and celebrate who we are today, each distinguished in his/her own way.
Everyone surpasses us in something, yet something differentiates us from everyone. This well summarizes the both stimulating and cultivating environment that the Turing Class program so generously provides us. As we part our ways and open a new chapter of our lives, I wish we could always find ourselves surrounded by wonderful individuals like this crowd, and embark on a unique journey that leads towards something we love.
Finally, I want to express my most sincere gratitude to the Turing Class program and the amazing people who have made it so fulfilling. To John for spearheading the program, lecturing and coaching us along the way, and physically being here with us today despite all the difficulties in this pandemic period. To the university administration, course instructors and research advisors for guiding us through with your knowledge, experience, and care. Especially, to the faculty and staff members of the Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies for your indispensable mentorship and unyielding support. Finally, to my fellow Turing Class members for your help, company, and friendship in the three incredible years.
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
最后,我想衷心感谢图灵班项目和将它建设得如此欣欣向荣的人们。感谢 John 创建图班,为我们传道、授业、解惑,并在疫情期间克服种种困难来到我们的毕业庆典现场。感谢学校领导、任课老师与科研导师们用智慧、经验与用心一路引领我们。特别地,感谢前沿计算研究中心的老师们对我们难能可贵的教导与坚持不懈的支持。最后,感谢同学们的帮助、陪伴与友谊,是你们让这三年无比精彩、美好!